January 26, 2021
You Have a History with God
To all who have prayed for me this month, thank you:
I want you to know how very much I appreciate your prayers, I am making strides daily since Monday, January 17th. I have a way to go, but God is my healer, and He is faithful! I declare and decree on the authority of the Word of God by faith I am healed and so are you. Do you see it? It’s coming! As I lie here in God’s presence, healing scriptures playing, listening, writing, and praying to await my healing, I am continually getting instructions. There are 5 days left in January to get yourself prepared for what God has for you during the next 11 months.
Part of your preparation should be:
1. Setting your goals
2. What is the singular word God has given you for 2022, the word I got was JOY!
3. Write down 5 Life Lessons you learned from 2021
4. Write down 5 things you desire for God to do for you in 2022
5. As you look back on your life, write down 5 things that are reminders to you of God’s faithfulness in your life. Please email me your goals, life lessons, desires, and history with God to unstoppablebydivinedesign@gmail.com
Abraham gave Eleazar an assignment to go find his son Isaac a wife. (Genesis 24) Can you imagine the pressure Eleazar was under? Abraham encouraged him to go confidently, and the Lord would send an angel and he would know who she was. In short, Abraham was saying, ‘Don’t worry! I have a history with God!
Abraham was saying:
1. He gave us a child, even though we were too old to have children. (Genesis 21)
2. He provided a ram in the bush when I thought I was going to sacrifice my son. (Genesis 22)
3. He showed me mercy when I made the mistake of having a baby out of wedlock. (Genesis 21)
4. He rescued my nephew Lot when he was in big trouble. (Genesis 14)
5. He provided when I could not see a thing.
6. He showed me mercy, time and time again by turning a situation around.
7. I have seen God’s goodness over and over in my life.
You have a history with God! Write down at least 5 times that are reminders to you of God’s faithfulness in your life.
These were all testimonies of Abraham’s history with God, he relayed to his servant! Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of God’s faithfulness to us. Confident in God’s goodness, Abraham could boldly state, ‘Just go! Walk with God and it will happen!
You have a history with God!
(Psalms 77:11-14)
But then I recall all you have done, O Lord; I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago. They are constantly in my thoughts. I cannot stop thinking about your mighty works. O God, your ways are holy. Is there any god as mighty as you? You are the God of great wonders! You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations.