What is the Difference Between Sin, Iniquity and Transgression


August 13, 2021
What is the Difference in Sin, Transgression,
and Iniquity?
David said: I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,” And You forgave the iniquity of my sin. (Psalms 32:5 NKJV)
In one verse we see sin, iniquity, and transgression all three are mentioned.  
Sin, iniquity, and transgression – all three communicate evil and lawlessness as defined by God. Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. (Rebellion) (1 John 3:4)
1.The word sin means to miss the mark!  In ancient Rome men would compete in archery. Their goal was to hit the bullseye. If they missed the bullseye the person keeping score would yell SIN! Why? Because they missed the mark!  Sin can refer to doing something against God or a person. (Exodus 10:16) Doing the opposite of what is right. (Galatians 5:17) Doing something that will have negative results (Proverbs 24:33-34) and failing to do something you know is right. (James 4:17) Sin is the general term for anything that ‘falls short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)
Sin always leads to a downward progression that, without the restoring power of the Holy Spirit, we all experience. The sin nature is present in every person born since the fall of Adam. (Genesis 3:6-7, Romans 5:12) Our sin nature causes us to naturally gravitate toward selfishness, pride, and envy even when we try to do good. Paul even stated, ‘I have the desire to do good, but not the ability to carry it out.’ (Romans 7:18) The sin nature leads to trespassing.  
A trespasser is someone who crosses the line intentional or unintentional.  Trespass means to fall away after being close beside!’  Peter trespassed when he denied Jesus (Luke 22:34, 56-62. You cross the line in your thoughts, words, attitudes many times a day and should be quick to repent and forgive others who do the same. (Matthew 6:15)
2.Transgression is a presumptuous sin – to choose to intentionally disobey; Samson intentionally broke his Nazarite vow by touching a dead lion (Numbers 6:1-5, Judges 14:8-9) and allowing his hair to be cut (Judges 16:17) he was committing a transgression.  
David was referring to this kind of sin when he wrote: ‘Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.’ (Psalms 32:1) When we knowingly run a stop sign, tell a lie, or blatantly disregard an authority we are transgressing.
3.Iniquity is more deeply rooted. Iniquity refers to a premeditated choice; to commit iniquity is to continue without repentance. David’s sin with Bathsheba that led to the killing of her husband Uriah was an iniquity (2 Samuel 11:3-4, 2 Samuel 12:9 and Micah 2;1) says, ‘woe to those who plan iniquity to those who plot evil on their beds.  In the morning light they carry it out because it is in their power to do it.!  In Psalms 51:2 David cried out to God saying, ‘Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. 
God forgives iniquity, as He does any type of sin when we repent. (Jeremiah 33:8, Hebrews 8:12) Butiniquity left unchecked leads to a state of willful sin with no fear of God.  The build-up of un-repented sin is sometimes pictured as a ‘cup of iniquity being filled to the brim. (Revelations 17:4, Genesis 15:16) This often applies to a nation who has forsaken God completely. Continued iniquity leads to unnatural affection, which leads to a reprobate mind. (Romans 1:28-32) outlines this digression in vivid detail.  The sons of Eli are biblical examples of reprobates whom God judged for their iniquities. (1 Samuel 3:13-14) Rather than repent Eli’s sons continued in their abominations until repentance was no longer possible.
Jesus Christ death on the cross was sufficient to cover all sin. John 1:29, Romans 5:18, Psalms 32:5 begins and ends with ‘You forgave the guilt of my sin.’  The only sin that God cannot forgive is the final rejection of the Holy Spirit’s drawing to repentance – the ultimate fruit of a reprobate Mind. (Matthew 12:32, Luke 12:10) I challenge you to be like David who was a man after God’s own heart, quick to repent and quick to obey!

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