May 4, 2022
Teach Your Children How to Steward Finances
Beloved one, I am sharing with you secrets to my personal success. Secret number one, ‘obey God’s commands (Joshua 1:7-9) and put Him first in all that you do.’ (Proverbs 3:5-6) These have been my two favorite scripture I have lived by building three successful businesses through the years.
In everything you do, put God first, He will direct you and crown your efforts with success!
(Proverbs 3:5-6 LB)
I remember the first time I read that scripture, I said seriously! ‘If I put God first, He will give me direction, and crown everything I do with success? Well, I can do that! And I have now for 46 years. If I can do it, you can do it!
The way you handle your money will teach your children how to handle their money. If you are always buying things on credit so will your children. If you are always barely making it, your children will too. If you are always stressed over finances, your children will be too. What about the way you talk about money? Do you say things like well we can’t do that because we just don’t have the money? Or we don’t make enough money? Or what about if we made more money, you could do what those kids are doing? When you do that, you are teaching your children money is the answer. This is a financial principle that you are imparting to your children. Do you teach your children to tithe and give?
People who don’t tithe are not bad people, and they have not been taught how to handle their finances. They just haven’t had the breakthrough in their mindset regarding money and it’s difficult. But God wants to set you free. Do you believe God can do more with your 90% than you can with 100% of your income? (Malachi 3:8-10) When you do, the shift will come for a breakthrough in your finances will happen.
There was a single woman who decided to start tithing after she heard the teaching on finances and decided she was going to start tithing that week. She had made $1000 that week, she started writing a check for $100 and the Lord said, ‘make it $120.’ She said, ‘Lord, this is a stretch, I don’t know if I will make it. I am doing this by faith and you’re telling me to sow more? Do you know what the Lord said to her? He said, ‘well the tithe your returning, then $20 you’re giving, and I want you to experience the joy of giving not just the joy of returning! So, she wrote a check for $120 in obedience. And someone came after she obeyed God and gave her a $100 bill. And as this person was getting it out of her wallet, there was a $20 beside it and the Lord said, ‘give her the $20 too.
You can never convince me in a lifetime, that you can outgive God! There is no way you can outgive God! Your children learn from you! When your children see you giving to others, they won’t forget and there will be an impartation.
I pray for everyone reading this: Father God, touch each person reading and I ask that they catch the revelation tithing and receive an impartation of stewarding their finances. Holy Spirit release an impartation of living a life blessed by You Father Now! Give every person the revelation a farmer has about sowing and reaping in Jesus’ name. Amen. (Malachi 3:8-12)