Supernatural Interventions
Ignite the Power of God in Your Daily Life
by Judy Brooks
Yes, He is! Supernatural Interventions is an up close and personal accounting of the answer to that question.
From cover to cover, this book gives amazing accounts of the supernatural experiences wrapped around and residing in an ordinary life.

What you will learn from this book?
As I share my story, it is my heart to you, and service to the Lord, to show you that:
🡢 You, too, can triumphantly overcome challenges of all shapes and sizes.
🡢 You, too, can experience miracles in your own life and the lives of your loved ones.
🡢 You, too, can be God’s instrument for miracles of salvation, transformation, healing, and more in the lives of others.
🡢 You, too, can experience renewed vision, joy and wonder as you see the reality of God’s Supernatural Interventions!
No one is left out. The power of God manifested, the glory of God made tangible, and reaching your full potential are all addressed in Supernatural Interventions.
This is not a fairytale book. It is about living out the Word of God in your own life to experience the miraculous wherever He leads you.
Judy Brooks
About the Author
Judy Brooks is a highly sought-after Empowerment Speaker and Trainer, Author, and Coach. She is internationally recognized as a leader in transformational retreats which have impacted thousands and paved the way for the development and advancement of the speakers of the future who have graduated from her program.
Judy has spent her life helping others grow in their walk and in their call to Jesus Christ and has lived her own life to serve, obey, and please the Lord. The Word of God is her reference, the supernatural is her expectation, the love of God is her plumb line, and service to God and others her assignment in life.

Book Testimonials
Through this book Judy Brooks gives us an up close and personal testimony of the loving kindness and heart of the heavenly Father for both His people and those who so desperately have needed His healing intervention in their lives. Throughout Judy’s ministry of Leaders Impacts, retreats and conferences, she has walked where few have gone in the realm of the miraculous, seeing and experiencing God’s power in open demonstration as He has ministered to thousands through her many years of international ministry.
Judy truly is one of God’s modern-day generals who has a passion to see people fulfill their true purpose and destiny. As a general in the body of Christ, Judy is not shy about challenging the lukewarm believer nor does she lack the courage to stand up against “comfort Christianity”. Judy makes no apologies for challenging people to go above and beyond the average Christian experience but extends an open invitation to all to step out of their comfort zones and into a supernatural daily walk with God Himself. As you read this book, won’t you open your heart to the invitation that the Lord extends to you to begin your supernatural life with Him?
Pat and Misty Hodges
Omega Ministries
Dallas, Texas
A highly successful businesswoman, spiritual leader, friend, my spiritual mother. There is no singular way to describe this mighty woman of God whose writings and prophetic messages immerse my mind and fill my soul each and every day. In describing my time with Judy, I can only say that she has walked in the same steps of so many of us who have endured pain in our home, family and business life. In all cases she has triumphantly overcome all of these challenges with grace and dignity.
That being said, it is the steps that she has taken in her walk with God that are the most impactful to me. It is those of us who have watched and tried to mirror her steps who have been blessed to walk in the presence of miracles because Judy, lives a life of prayer and unwavering faith and a knowledge that whatever you ask for in prayer you will receive it (Mark 11:24). Judy’s life is a true secular and Christian success story and will be an inspiration for anyone that reads her works.
Dave and Marian Ballins founder of Happy News TV
Marian is an ordained minister in the Marketplace and Entrepreneur
Dave is a Senior Sales Executive
Fort Meyers, Florida
I don’t think I had ever really experienced any amazing evidences of God, until I met Judy Brooks. Judy is this joyful, exuberant person, always hope filled and a full of faith warrior. But most importantly, she is my friend, my mentor and even my spiritual Momma. I understand now why Jesus focused on discipling only 12 and not the masses. Truly understanding the things of God requires relationship and not just someone preaching from the pulpit. Judy Brooks taught me by example how to have that kind of relationship with Jesus Christ himself.
She always spoke as if He were directly in the room and like He was literally flesh standing beside her. For 11 years I have worked together with Judy as she ministered to others in homes, churches, retreat centers and even homeless shelters. We have hosted conferences, women’s retreats, couple’s retreat’s and I have personally seen with my own eyes miraculous healings including stage four cancer, bipolar depression and kidney disease. I have personally witnessed marriages mended, debts cancelled, and family relationships reconciled.
I want to encourage you to read this book cover to cover; to experience the journey that I’ve been blessed to be on; to travel with Judy right beside her and to learn the things of God from a true disciple of Jesus Christ. This experience with her increased my faith and helped me believe that ALL things are possible with God. It changed my life forever and it will change yours too. To God be the glory!
Dr. Stephanie Crise
Hollywood Smiles Orthodontics and ordained Marketplace Ministers
McKinney, Texas
I first met Judy Brooks, AKA “Momma Judy,” in the fall of 2012 at my first woman’s retreat in Pennsylvania. I was broken mess who had a lot of issues from anger, rage, resentment, bitterness, trust issues, that all stemmed from being hurt repeatedly. I had no living parents as both of mine were deceased and that alone caused me deeper pain and over the years, I just bottled everything up. Well that all changed in 2012. Judy Brooks came to Pennsylvania and ministered to us who were broken, lost, and needed healing. The Lord used Judy Brooks in such a powerful way that those that attended, even those that serve on the ministry team, left changed. Judy Brooks devotes her time on her face before the Lord daily to receive instructions and to be filled so she can pour out freely to others. I left that retreat free from anger, bitterness, resentment, forgave myself and others that have hurt me, including my parents. I left full of the joy of the Lord and wanted to pour out what was poured into me. Since 2012 I have attended every retreat in Pennsylvania and God always shows up and shows off as His presence is so strong and women are set free, including myself. That’s not all who gets set free.
In 2015 my marriage was on the rocks and I was done being hurt and was looking at filing for a divorce. So many people were praying for me and my husband and that’s when Judy Brooks announced that she was holding a marriage retreat. I was unsure but I also knew the anointing that Momma Judy carried and how powerful the presence of the Lord was wherever she ministered at. I brought it up to my husband who wanted a fighting chance, so we went to the marriage retreat in September of 2015. The anointing was so strong, and God was there in our midst that my husband, and other couples, got set free from their bondages and by the third day we all, but one couple, renewed our wedding vows. My husband left there a changed man and marriages were saved. That’s not all.
Over the years I have known Judy Brooks, the Lord has given her prophetic words that she shares with us and they have all come to pass. Momma Judy only speaks what the Father speaks to her through her time in worship and prayer. This is one thing that she doesn’t neglect, her time with the Lord. Judy Brooks devotes her time to prayer, fasting, spending time in the Lord’s presence, worshipping, and reading her Bible. Judy Brooks has left her job as a realtor to be obedient to the Lord and start a full-time ministry, Empowering International
Ministries, where she devotes her time to seek out the lost, the broken, the hurt, the cast off’s, and with the Lord, she ministers and sees the captives set free. Over the years, I have seen many miracles take place from a woman who was completely deaf in one ear that the Father restored her hearing, to a person with cancer be healed 100%. I have seen people who had issues with back pain, arthritis, peripheral neuropathy, heart problems all get healed and set free. There is so much more that I truly don’t know if I could list them all and not miss something. That’s not all.
Judy Brooks is real and uses real life experiences to reach those that she is ministering to. Her life and struggles, the Lord has used for His glory, to set His children free. Judy doesn’t wear a “mask” meaning who you see is who she is. Once you meet her, you are blessed because she is a prime example of what the Lord can do. Judy Brooks has a heart after the Father and seeks out the Father’s will. Be blessed as you read this powerful book and look her up to attend one of her retreats, seminars or conferences. Be ready to be impacted and set on fire for the Lord!
Bob & Gretchen Geist, RN
Martinsburg, Pennsylvania
I have witnessed first-hand many miracles, healings and deliverances at every retreat, I’ve attended through the years. Three miracles come to mind immediately, Stacy Clark’s ninety-four-year old grandmother who received a miracle, and after she forgave someone who had severely abused her, her ear popped loudly, and she could hear for the first time in seventy-two years. Then there was Karen, a beautiful tall Mennonite lady who was healed of deep emotional wounds from many years of abuse then God turned her life around. Judy had her to help pray for others who needed healing and so many lives were transformed at that meeting. Another lady who is an RN came to the retreat and her life was altered – she was delivered of drugs, smoking and healed! There are others who we have watched God completely transform their lives from stage four cancer, lymphoma, back issues, homosexuality, emotional wounds, heart disease and they were healed and restored. There are others who have testified to going to Judy’s home and have shared about the peaceful sanctity of it. I can tell you Momma Judy, that’s what people call Judy Brooks, she is a spiritual mother to many. From women’s retreats, marriage seminars, leader’s impact’s the Holy Spirit does wondrous things because of her anointing. She’s also very real and willing to share lessons from her own life experiences. I know you will be encouraged, inspired and excited to know God in an intimate way after reading this book.
Ron & Linda Hoffman
Bedford, Pennsylvania
Judy Brooks has been doing ministry for many years around our city, in different states, and internationally. I have witnessed many miracles and prophetic words come to pass. Whether it is a prayer gathering in our home, through Webinars, Retreats, Leaders Impacts, Conferences or just simply meeting over lunch I have felt the power of the Holy Spirit move and touch many including myself and my family members. She carries an anointing where the light of Christ illuminates and heals where no other counselor or doctor can heal. She is a powerful intercessor, obedient, and hears the voice of Christ. I praise God for the healing, salvation, restoration, and transformation Judy Brooks’ Empowering International Ministry has brought to many people’s lives. All who know her have been extremely blessed by her ministry.
Arturo & Terry Guerrero
Elementary Learning Facilitator, LISD
Laredo, Texas
I met Judy Brooks in November 2014, at a time when I was desperate for God–God’s truth, God’s time, God’s presence, God’s touch. I was broken and felt I was beyond hope or redemption. I was invited to an Empowering Women’s Retreat, Judy was hosting. I was so desperate that I went, not knowing one person there. To describe what happened, by way of the Holy Spirit that resides in Judy, is nothing short of a miracle. When I left the retreat that Saturday afternoon, I was totally transformed from the person who had entered those doors on Thursday evening. A number of things orchestrated this transformation, but it was the working of the Holy Spirit–the orchestra maestro–that brought them all together. It was because of Judy’s total dependence on and surrender to the Holy Spirit that the walls of Jericho surrounding my heart came tumbling down. The personal time that she spent with me, the words of love of the Father that she spoke to me, the strength of her prayer life and her zealousness for the things of the Father all combined in an intricate dance to fill me with everything that I was looking for, everything that I was needing from Abba Father, over that 42 hour period. From that moment forward, I have walked with My Father. I am a work in progress, and this work will never be perfected until I stand before Him. But because of her perseverance and patience, all working alongside with the Holy Spirit as her guide, never deviating from the path that He was leading her on, I was saved. She didn’t save me, the Holy Spirit working in her and in me is what saved me. But Judy was the catalyst, the conduit, by which the Holy Spirit worked His miracle. Miracles, Healing and Deliverance that I have personally witnessed at the numerous Judy Brooks retreats, conferences and Leaders meetings: I have witnessed personal healing of fibromyalgia, and I have seen others delivered and set free.
Lesley Taylor
RN ER Case Manager, Ordained Marketplace Minister
Conway, Arkansas
As believers we are sometimes asked about miracles and if we have ever seen one. Mostly by new Christians but even those who have been in the Ministry have not yet seen or experienced Gods great power. I can truly say yes in that I’ve not only seen but experienced them on several occasions. I’ve known men who were diagnosed with a life threating cancer and given six months to live, go on to prove the Doctors wrong and go on testifying on behalf of Gods answered prayer for several years. I have meet and spoke to him personally. Truly a walking
praising man of God who was healed by Gods hand.
If ever I needed prayer, there is one person who comes to the top of my list and that is Judy Brooks. I’ve known and loved her ministry for several years and I can testify that it’s the real deal. I have witnessed her walk and seen personally her healing touch from God on many believers and some who thought they were believers. Once laid hands on by Judy they were never the same. I can say this for myself as well. She is now My spiritual Mother and I’ve grown to love her dearly. I pray that I can serve her and learn from her until I go meet my Lord and savior. I have witnessed the healings, deliverance, and I have seen many believers who struggled with forgiving the person who hurt them, let it go with peace and love flooding their soul. I truly believe Judy is a vessel used by God for the Kingdom.
If you need a miracle in your life, I know of no other person that I would rather have in my corner praying for me or you. I pray you will open your heart and mind and listen to Gods voice as you read this book. It is a Miracle. Luke 8:48
Reverend Albert Taylor
Conway, Arkansas
I have been blessed to have been involved with Judy Brook’s Empowering Int’l Ministries for many years. The first women’s retreat I attended through Judy’s ministry we saw many miracles. I considered myself to be a mature believer but through the teaching and ministry of Judy, directed by the Holy Spirit, I was delivered from several hurts that I received as a child that had affected relationships and kept me from reaching my full potential in Christ. I continued to see broken and hurting women freed from every type of bondage imaginable at the retreats I attended each year.
I have had the great joy of watching many of the vessels Judy ministered to develop into Godly, Spirit-filled women of strength and beauty. At the last women’s retreat Judy was used by the Lord in praying for a ninety-four-year old, women that had lost her hearing, many years ago, and every woman at the retreat experienced the joy of seeing her hear again from that deaf ear.
Many women come to a retreat not knowing or understanding what Jesus Christ has done for them. Judy is used by the Holy Spirit to point them to Christ. They each leave with hope, a Savior and delivered from the bondage that has lied to them for a lifetime.
Certainly, Mark 16: 17” And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.” I have seen many of these miracles take place as Judy ministered through the Word. This book is an indication of a life well-lived in Christ for these signs and miracles have truly followed Judy Brooks.
Renee Krider
Insurance Broker and an LTCP Long-Term Care Professional
Martinsburg, Pennsylvania
I have had the honor and privilege of knowing Judy Brooks since 2013. When I met Judy, I had been through so much that I thought my life was beyond repair. Judy has this way of taking someone who has no worth and value whatsoever and introducing them to God in a way that many never get to know Him. Through Judy’s ministry, I was completely transformed and set free from things that I never knew possible. Judy doesn’t just teach or preach something to you she walks you through it so you too can live a victorious life. Her heart is to see all those who are willing be set free and transformed for the Kingdom of God. Judy has traveled the world
either in person or via electronic means sharing this message of hope, healing, and freedom. She knows firsthand the power of God and isn’t afraid to speak those hard, but yet needed things. I’ve attended many conferences and retreats that she has hosted and led. There hasn’t been a time that I haven’t seen people set free, healed, delivered, etc. I have also seen and heard prophesy go out that ultimately comes to pass. This book you are about to read is filled with what happens when you allow God to totally transform your life. It is all about the miracles that aren’t just something God did in the Bible days, but about the miracles that are still happening. Those that are still coming to pass for those who are willing to believe. God isn’t finished YET!
Samantha Russell
Children’s Pastor of AG Church and Church Secretary
Wynne, Arkansas
Apostle Judy Brooks an anointed powerful woman of God, who has devoted her life to prayer, fasting, seeing God’s kingdom manifest here on earth. Judy’s desire is to win souls wherever she shows up. Not only is she a soul winner but expects God to do as He promises. (Mark 16:17) says, ‘And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues. They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. Judy Brooks is a deliverer. None of this is her doing but the Holy Spirit that dwells on the inside of her do the work, for she is a willing vessel. Judy prays before saying yes to any assignment, I have known her to turn down huge assignments that sound great, yet in her spirit she knew God was saying “nope not your assignment”. Judy is woman after God’s heart. Her heart is for the lost hurting broken men and women. I have witnessed Judy spending hours with these broken souls ‘never giving up for they too are wanting a breakthrough. After many hours of crying out, going from being angry to taking responsibility for their action, I witness deliverance, and they were set free by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am Ruby Mitchell, Judy’s Amour Bearer since 2003, and I have witnessed God performed many miracles through this anointed vessel. God asked who shall go? She says, ‘send me I will go.’ She is a woman of faith. Judy will move forward with a word from God making me want to say, “I know this ain’t you God”. I learned quickly after seeing God move, seeing miracles manifest, to trust that she hears the Father’s voice and no other voice will she follow. Judy Brooks does women Retreats, Leader’s Impact, Conferences, Marriage Retreats, ministers in churches, counseling, coaching
and Prayer Conference Calls. When you are a deliverer wherever you show up healing takes place and lives are forever changed. She prays the word and believes God will do whatever she asks.
Apostle always ask if the person believes, doubt can’t be present, she will ask any doubters to leave the room. I have witness God perform miracles in finances. God spoke and told her to do a conference at TBN in Nashville, many years ago and the budget was $12,000.00, with no money in the bank. The enemy tried to stop it, but the Prayer Team covered her and the vision. She was challenged, and there was much spiritual warfare, but she stood on the word of God and the vision He showed her for the conference. God did exactly what He said, ‘He would do. I have witnessed her minister people and God has healed them of stage four cancer more than a few times, and surgery cancelled because the test results were negative. I have witnessed marriages healed and restored, wayward children return home, jobs provided, thousands of dollars in debt cancelled in one day. I get excited thinking back to all the miracles God has done through this anointed willing woman of God. During a women’s retreat in Pennsylvania a 92-year old precious granny came with her granddaughter, Judy prayed and ministered to her about how important it was that she forgive the Doctor who had abused her when she was young. She cried out to the Lord and chose to forgive him after seventy-four years. Momma Judy prayed for granny’s hearing to be restored in her right ear. The moment she forgave this
doctor her ear popped loudly, and she could hear after all these years! Suddenly granny burst out with I can hear! I can hear in my right ear! Glory to God! Forgiveness brings about miracles! Momma Judy has ministered in other countries via internet, given prophetic words and get praise reports how God used her to work miracles in their life. When you are totally sold out to God and your heart desires match God’s, when you pray and believe miracles happen! In June during this pandemic Apostle Judy was led to do our first zoom conference live online and oh my, God moved. Different speakers, powerful testimonies, and yes praise reports, lives changed. Momma Judy Brooks obedience and faith is a breeding ground for God to cause miracles to happen! I have witnessed God do many miracles and I know there are more.
Miracles happen you just have to believe! Don’t stop believing and trusting God! As you read this powerful book on miracles expect your faith to increase and miracles to happen.
Pastor Ruby Mitchell
Kingdom Builders Int’l
Springfield, Tennessee
I have known Judy Brooks since the eighties. As life goes in the early to mid-nineties our paths went in different directions for the next 16 years when God supernaturally reconnected us in 2010 at a Ladies Luncheon at a Lutheran Church in Little Rock, Arkansas where she was ministering. The reconnection was nothing short of an electrified union in the spirit! She is my soul sister, my friend, a cherished gift of God. I saw something different in Judy from the earlier years. A fire and passion for Christ! That something drew me to start traveling with her wherever she went. Since the beginning I have been side by side with her in retreats, leader’s
impact’s, conferences, churches and have seen God move mightily in and through her everywhere we go. I have witnessed first-hand most of the miracles you will read about in this book. Judy’s heart and passion is to do the will of the Father, to speak the word with results of signs, wonders, and miracles being performed under the great anointing she walks in. Judy has the boldness needed to follow the example of Jesus when he said, “Greater works than these shall you do!”
Her heart is to be faithful to his call and to bring glory to the name of Jesus. The book you are holding in your hand is a treasure worth its weight in gold! Priceless! I know as you read each story your faith will increase to live out the word of God in your own life to do the miraculous wherever He leads you. This book of miracles comes at the most perfect time when people are desperate looking and wanting to see the realty of the
supernatural. Let’s give of ourselves to see the name of Jesus lifted high as you will see it done in this book of miracles. Let’s do what Jesus commanded us to do. “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons.” Freely you received, freely give.” Matt.10:8
Reverend Deborah and Mike Houck
Ignite the Flame Ministries
North Little Rock, Arkansas
I have known Judy since 2010. I’ve been involved in the ministry with women for about eight years. I have witnessed many miracles of healing in women’s lives, emotionally, physically and spiritually! Seeing marriages restored is another aspect of her ministry that is such a blessing! Judy has such a passion for hurting women (and men) and her desire is to spread the gospel to the nations and empower others with the tools necessary to continue the healing process in their lives!
Eddie & Lisa Hershman
Business Owner and Entrepreneur
Ordained Marketplace Minister
Everett, Pennsylvania
We have known Judy for about six years. She has touched so many lives. Judy ordained Missy and I several years ago. The first time we heard her speak, the Holy Spirit fell, and I saw an Angel in the room. Our next encounter was at a marriage retreat. My wife received ministry that restored her from past relationships. It is so wonderful that every leadership gathering we attended, Judy allows God to take over and we have seen so many get healed and deliverance. The prophetic has been so strong the last few years. Many confirmations from the Lord on every occasion. Two years ago, my wife had been suffering from bone spurs on her knee cap.
She at times even had to use a cane. The Holy Spirit fell in a Leaders Meeting and healing hands were laid on her and her knee was healed! Our Lord is still healing, delivering and restoring today as He always has. It is so amazing to watch Him move in many lives. We are honored to call her Momma Judy as she is truly a spiritual mother to both of us. She is a Mighty Woman of God!
Pastor Ric and Missy Neal
Goodlettsville, Tennessee
Do you wonder if miracles still do happen? Then read on… I have known Judy Brooks for well over 10 years. In that time, she has been a mentor, spiritual leader and friend to my wife and I as well as for many others that we know in the Dallas Fort Worth area as well as across the nation. In the time that I’ve known Judy, I have experienced a transformation in my life. She has inspired me to not only grow in my faith and in my walk with
the Lord, but she’s also mentored and encouraged both my wife and I to minister to others, to lead workshops and couples retreats, to pastor others and to witness firsthand that miracles can and do happen.
In her new book, Judy reveals and details her first-hand accounts of the miracles that God has done! This book is so timely and really hits at the heart of what we all need today. In the season we are now in, where wrong is right and right is wrong, where good is evil and evil is good, we really need to be convinced and know without a shadow of a doubt that God does still do miracles. I would encourage the reader to dig in and absorb every word that’s in this book because it truly does show that miracles do happen today, and God is a part of our daily lives.
Michael Crise
Child of God, Husband, Dad, business owner and friend
Farmers Insurance Agency Owner
CEO of Mike Crise Agency
Ordained Marketplace Minister
McKinney, Texas
We met our spiritual Mother in 2012, Judy Brooks came to our church to minister, the New Hope Ministries. Every time she comes to the church, we have seen God move mightily and many miracles have taken place. One occasion specifically a man came to the church in a wheelchair and very crippled. God used Momma Judy as a vessel and touched him and healed him by the power of the Holy Spirit. He got up out of the wheelchair and walked across the front of the church and accepted Christ Jesus as his Savior. Many have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in our church. God has used Judy to minister to couples in our church. Many marriages have been to the point of divorce and God has used Judy as a vessel to minister to them and they have been restored by the power of the Holy Spirit. Young men have been healed and men have been restored, and not only them but our marriage and our pastoral family. God fulfills His word through the prophetic word via this vessel. As you read this powerful book of miracles may you be empowered by the Holy Spirit to receive your miracle!
Pastor Abraham and Janie Zermeno
Laredo, Texas
In this Spiritual journey we all enjoy, the Holy Spirit brings certain people into your life to facilitate changes. Judy Brooks is just that person in our lives. Several years ago, Judy came into our lives thru a joint ministry meeting. She began to speak into our lives, and we have never been the same. We have had the great joy to observe and participate in her ministry of spiritual deliverance and restoration. She follows the leading of the Spirit thru prophetic, anointed teaching to changes the atmosphere and changes lives, delivered and set free. Her faith in God, love of Jesus, and trust in Holy Spirit gives her courage to say and do what God is saying and doing. Don’t miss the opportunity for Holy Spirit to move in your life thru Judy Brooks. Yea God!
Pastors John and D’Arylan Ball
Farmer Scott, Arkansas
We would like to take a moment and say that Judy Brooks is an anointed woman of God full of the Holy Spirit. She has a special gift for ministering to men and women and helping them to deal with past hurts and become free of strongholds in their lives. Judy has a hunger to serve God and is willing to do all that she can to help someone. We can say that we have seen miracles happen in peoples lives at her conferences. She has been a powerful influence in our life. Miracles happen when she is in a meeting and people leave with a freedom that they have not had before. This book will be a blessing to anyone who reads it and we are believing for miracles, deliverance and new lives to begin after reading this book.
Pastor Ray and Laura Boatright
Woodstock, Virginia
I met Judy Brooks just over 3 years ago. I will never forget that first encounter with her. I was very unsure of her in the beginning. She was, somehow, not what I was expecting. But she was aware of my “hiding” and came to minister to me. She quickly realized, by the spirit, that I was harboring unforgiveness in my heart against people in my past. That day I went through the painful process of letting go and surrendering these individuals, and my broken heart, to the Father. This began a change in my life that is still bearing fruit to this day. In these last three years I have seen Judy minister to individuals from Pastors, to moms, to daughters, to sons and to Fathers, to Evangelist and Prophets, and hear from Heaven, of those things, that are obstructing their forward movement in their personal lives as well as in their walk with God, and call these things out and watch God bring deliverance, healing and change. I have seen restoration in families, pastors encouraged to keep preaching, marriages given new life and new hope, and I have watched men rise up and take their place as leaders in their churches and families. I have also seen women healed of years of pain from abuse and
abandonment. We know only God can do these things. He is the great physician and the lovers of our souls. It is for Him and His glory that Judy ministers. Judy has such a heart to raise up leaders and anointed individuals to take their rightful place in the Kingdom to bring change in their own lives and the lives of others. I have had the honor to minister with Judy at a few of her conferences and watch the power of Holy Spirit come and move in our midst. And just be in awe, all over again, about His love for us and His great desire to give us that abundant life that we read about in John 10:10 I encourage you to take this journey with Judy and listen to the power of God manifested, the glory of God made tangible and be transformed in your own belief level by those things you read. Let your faith be lifted and soul be encouraged and be in wonder of a mighty God that shows up and works miracles in our lives and loves doing it.
Gina G Reeves
Real-Estate Executive
Ordained Marketplace Minister
Bentonville, Arkansas
What a great honor to. endorse someone who I have come to know as family. Not only is Judy my spiritual mother but also my dearest of friends. Anytime I need someone to stand in agreement with me in prayer, or someone who believes for the impossible. Judy is only a phone call away any time of the day or night. This mighty woman of God Preaches all over the country and Miracles and lives transformed follow her everywhere she goes. This was something that was birthed from her intimate love relationship with Jesus. Her day does not begin without her first spending time with her King. She calls Him her Husband, friend, healer, redeemer, and Lord of Lords. She has taught me to lay everything at the alter before our King and trust Him to turn it all around for the good. Judy declares and stands bold on His every Word in the Book of life (Bible). I have witnessed her lay hands on the sick and brokenhearted and these broken vessels become transformed into beautiful vessels of Honor for the Kingdom of God. Judy stands bold on the Word of Life in the bible and does not waver from it. This is what the bible says about those who believe. Matthew 16:17-18 (17) And these signs will follow those who believe: In my name they will cast out demons: they will speak with new tongues. (18) They will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands of the sick and they will recover. Judy is a walking testimony of Matthew 16:17-18. Judy delights in pleasing Jesus, and this is the entire reason why signs and wonders follow her everywhere she goes. Here is to many more years sharing our King together and bringing more souls into His kingdom. With Much Love,
Ademar and Nancy Escamilla Galvan
Assistant Professor: Canseco School of Nursing
Texas A&M International University
The prophet Daniel speaks of a people in the Last Days who know their God and are strong and do exploits. Judy is one of these people. I have seen lives transformed under her ministry; sorrow to joy, darkness to light, bondage to liberty. This book is just a sampling of what she walks in with a childlike humility. Let it inspire you to also rise to your calling as a prince with God.
Tom and Lois Tusant
Dallas, Texas
The cornerstone of Jesus’ ministry while on the earth was love. Love for every person from the least to the greatest. Not one was left out. This, my friend, is the heart of the ministry of Judy Brooks. John 15:12 in the Passion Translation says: So, this is my command: Love each other deeply, as much as I have loved you. For the greatest love of all is a love that sacrifices all. And this great love is demonstrated when a person sacrifices his life for his friends. Judy has lived a life of sacrifice. Seeking the Fathers will for every conference from national to international. Each meeting is bathed in prayer before the first-person steps onto the grounds. This is evident by the love that is poured out to you as you walk into the meeting room and continues long after the last song is sung. As she encourages each one to stay in contact with each other and with herself. This allows her to continually give of herself through mentoring and raising up men and women to eventually become strong leaders in their community.
John 14:12 tells us “I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do-even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father! And Mark 16:17-18 says, “And these miracle signs will accompany those who believe: They will drive out demons in the power of my name. They will speak in tongues. They will be supernaturally protected from snakes and from drinking anything poisonous. And they will lay hands on the sick and heal them.” Because of Judy’s obedience God has placed many mantles of authority over her. Supernatural signs and wonders are released during her gatherings. Many come into a meeting brokenhearted, in chains of bitterness and unforgiveness, and every level of hurt that can be imagined. But they leave a changed person.
I have witnessed the power of God heal a crippled heart broken by the grief of her son passing away to the point that she could barely function. Today she ministers to those bound by addiction and during her husband’s illness and death was his rock for him to lean on. Judy has meet someone in a store before a retreat and she invited them on the spot. One in particular came and since has been trained and is in full time international ministry. Grandma’s have come and in their latter years were set free and delivered! Experiencing the love of God like they had never before. Through Judy’s ministry I have seen God move in many lives. Witnessing supernatural healings to seeing many different ones following the call of God in their lives. From going to college later in life to stepping out in their own ministry. And yes, this writer has been changed. From my first retreat scared, not knowing what to expect to today anticipating the next retreat and move of God. He has taken me on a journey of believing I am who He says I am, that I am loved by the Father, and healing of a broken heart. For me and many others it didn’t happen overnight. The journey is still going on. And Judy is there teaching, encouraging and uplifting through daily blogs and todays technology. It is Judy’s heart to see women and men healed, set free, and raised up to minister to others. I pray that you are encouraged by the testimonies shared in this book and that it encourages you to believe for the supernatural move of God in your life.
Terry & Sondra Koontz
Altoona, Pennsylvania
Miracles. This word would have not meant anything to me had it not been for apostle Judy brooks. Most people think of this word metaphorically as only in fairy tales, but I know from the life and experience I’ve seen my mentors, life that Miracles are real. Early in my ministry I knew there was something about apostle Judy that drew me to her and as our lives began to draw closer, I now know why God had this appointment in time, for such a time as this. It was for me to see and help grow my belief. I have seen many lives that were broken so badly become revived through the ministry of apostle Judy. I’ve seen people so lost in addiction become
freed with restoration in the family totally!! I believe now is the time for God’s people to believe in Miracles and the Power of God!!!
Margaret Selmon
Ordained Market Place Minister
Pastor of Hope Community Church
Burlington, Iowa
I have known Apostle Judy Brooks for 16 years and I’ve had a chance to witness the miracles that have taken place as she ministered to people. I have watched how God has worked in her life when it seemed as if all hope was lost and she did not let that stop her from fulfilling the call of God on her life.
I see how she has become a powerful leader of Women’s Retreats, Leadership Impact Teams and a great inspiration in my life. She has been an encourager and a mentor to people all across the globe.
She has an anointing from God that has given her many opportunities to “lay hands on the sick and they recover”. Apostle Judy is an amazing conference speaker who has traveled the world preaching the gospel and seeing many lives get healed of their diseases and delivered from drugs, alcohol and other addictions.
I believe that once you read her book “Supernatural Interventions” you will get a better understanding of how a life that is totally surrendered to God can be used in a mighty way in advancing the Kingdom of God.
Apostle Judy is a Prophet of God that has the gift to speak things into people’s lives that has come to pass. This book will cause you to really seek to draw closer to God and expect Him to use you as He has used her.
You will truly be blessed.
Apostle David Selmon
Pastor of Hope Community Church
Burlington, Iowa
I am extremely honored to have this opportunity to write this endorsement on behalf of Judy Brooks, And I am so grateful that God, my Heavenly Father has brought her into my life. Judy is a highly anointed, compassionate humble and sold out vessel of the Most-High God.
Judy has been my spiritual mother since 2014. During this connection by the precious Holy Spirit, I have had the opportunity to travel with her and observe firsthand her integrity. She has poured out her life as a sacrifice to see others healed, Delivered, and set free. I am one that has been healed, delivered and set free in her meetings from so many different things that it is hard to Remember. Judy’s transparency helps many people get free as she is real about what she has had to walk through. She has spent her life helping others grow in their walk and in their call to Jesus Christ and has lived her life to serve, obey and please the Lord. The word of God is her reference for all of her life.
Judy is an incredible intercessor and has taught many about walking in an intimate relationship with Almighty God, and I have reaped the great benefits of her teaching and have that intimate fellowship that is worth more than anything in my life. To share a personal testimony, at the lowest point in my life after my husband passed away from cancer, Judy was there for me at the hospital and interceded for myself and my family and held us up in prayer as we trusted God to heal us from a broken heart. I know that part of my healing has come because she has personally interceded for me. This is only one time that I’m mentioning but there are so many others. I know that she is available at the drop of a hat to help me at any time day or night. Judy lives a life of excellence before me and those that know her and before her Heavenly Father. She loves the Lord with every fiber of her being and has lived her life to please the Lord and serve others.
Robin Zakrzewski
Shining Light Ministry
Little Rock, Arkansas