February 21, 2022
Seasons 40-40-40
Precious child there are seasons throughout your life, that I am at work accomplishing My will in each. Moses My servant was in three different seasons of his life. For the first forty years, he was in the season of preparation. The second season of forty years he was a nobody – alone and forgotten on the backside of a wilderness tending to sheep before he could lead sheep. In the third season of forty years, he was a deliverer. He learned how to deal with people who grumbled and complained all the time.
That is how the body of Christ works.
1. Moses was prepared during his first forty years, he was qualified! Who wrote Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy? Moses did. How many people in that day had the ability to write? He was prepared with the best education while he was in Pharaoh’s court. That was his preparation season for writing the Word of God.
2. What about when he was a nobody, he learned how to find food for flocks of animals and was prepared to lead these people out of slavery in the land of Nowhere! God ordered his steps, and everything was in place in his life, and it is in place in yours.
3. Moses did not go into the land of Promise, why? The people got hungry and thirsty in the wilderness and started complaining. (Exodus 16:2-3) The Jews were proud and stiff-necked people Moses said. (Exodus 32:9) Instead, Moses went out and said, ‘You all are a bunch of complaining ungrateful people – and he struck the rock twice with his staff. (Exodus 17:1-3)
How quickly we forget, Moses fell on his face and prayed then got up and look what he does: God said, ‘Moses go and strike the rock, and water will come out and all the people will drink!” (Exodus 17:5-7) He did what a lot of us do, he did the right thing the wrong way! Later he was on Mount Nebo and God had already told him twice before, ‘You can’t go in the Promised Land:
1. Because of his anger (Angry at the Egyptian he killed, he got angry at the people, and he expressed anger when he struck the rock when God told him to speak to the rock and strike the Nile for the Children of Israel to walk through on the dry ground. Strike in Hebrew means anger in this scripture – the same anger he had when he killed the Egyptian.
2. He was arrogant. Never take credit for something God does! How long will we provide water and food for you? Who provided the food and water? God did. And Moses said, we! Moses had nothing to do with it.
3. Pride and rebellion (Exodus 17:2) Anger and pride (arrogance) will prevent you from seeing your dream come to pass. God said, I am not going to let you see your dream be fulfilled because you did not teach the people My Holiness!
When you take the name of the Lord in vain it has deadly consequences to it. (Exodus 20:7) Listen when you no longer reverence the Lord God Almighty and have no fear of the Lord, He will move always from you, and you are thrown to the wind like anyone who is lawless. Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. (1 John 3:4) You had the opportunity to say, look what the Lord has done – and you said, look what I have done. Moses couldn’t go into the promised land because of pride, anger, arrogance, and no reverence for God! You too cannot go where I planned for you to go if these are operating in you. Who was on Mount Herman – the mount of transfiguration, who was talking to Jesus, 1000’s of years later it was Moses? (Matthew 17:1-13) God never leaves any business in your life or mine unfinished. Honor God, repent and let go of the pride, arrogance, ego, and rebellion God hates so you can move forward in God’s plan and purpose for your life.