

Empowering Moments with God©
September 14, 2020, 2020
Because of the Lord’s loving-kindness, we are not consumed because His (tender) compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great and beyond measure is Your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23 Amplified)
My child, have you learned how to love, even when others do you wrong? It is easy to love someone loveable, but where is the reward in that, even sinners do that? (Luke 6:32) If you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you, even sinners do that? (Luke 6:33) I am a loving, forgiving God. Many of My children forget where they were when I forgave them! It is My heart that none should perish, and all will have everlasting life! I don’t discriminate, nor am I slow concerning My Promises, as some people think, but I am patient. (2 Peter 3:8-9) I tell you to love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most-High God because I am kind to the ungrateful and the wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. (Luke 6:35-36) 
Zacchaeus was the head tax collector in Jericho, and he was quite wealthy. He was a crook, cheating people on their taxes. He would charge more than they owed, pay their taxes, and put the rest in his pocket. The townspeople didn’t like him. Zacchaeus was a short man with big goals. As Jesus entered the city and walked through the crowd, Zacchaeus desperately wanted to see him as he passed by. The crowd was in his way, so he climbed up in a sycamore tree. When Jesus got to the tree, he looked up and said, “Zacchaeus!” “Quick, come down! I must be a guest in your home today.” Filled with excitement, Zacchaeus quickly climbed down and took Jesus to his house. The people were upset and grumbled among themselves, saying, “what business does He have cozying up with a crook?” (Luke 19:5-7) Zacchaeus stood there in front of Jesus stunned, stammering apologetically, he said, “I will give half my wealth to the poor, Lord, and if I have cheated people on their taxes, I will give them back four times as much!” Jesus responded, “Salvation has come to this home today, for this man has shown himself to be Abraham’s true son. For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” (Luke 19:8-10)
He was able to give all the money back he had cheated the people out of because he had invested it. When you have an encounter with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, He will cleanse you internally. You will have a heart change as Zacchaeus did! He issued generous refunds for overcharging everyone. More than anything in the world, Zacchaeus discovered that he longed to be found by our Savior. The love of Christ is unconditional; His mercy toward us is so grand, and thank God it is for your sake and mine. His mercy is new and fresh every morning because He has great compassion toward us. (Lamentations 3:22-23) Bring your heartbreak, broken dreams, and baggage to the Father and allow Him to heal and restore you as he did Zacchaeus. God the Father will meet you where you are, pick you up, clean you off, and set you on the path of destiny. 
Pray this with me:
Father, I confess my heart has been broken, and I have broken dreams – I lay both on the altar at your feet, and I give you my past and exchange it for the future you have for me. I commit this day to You, and I thank you for ordering my steps and my stops. Thank you for granting me mercy as you did Zacchaeus. I declare and decree I will not throw away this confident trust in You Father God, and I will not lose my bold, courageous faith, for I am destined for a great reward in Jesus’ all-powerful name! Amen.

My Daily Declarations
Pray this out loud over your day: 
Father God, I come boldly before your throne (Hebrews 4:16) and thank you for this beautiful day as I dedicate it to You! I declare and decree on the authority of the Word of God I am healthy, I am wealthy in every area of my life, and I am wise beyond my years. I have great discernment and receive revelation as I study the Word of God.
I boldly confess I am loved, called and chosen. I am anointed, appointed, equipped and enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit that works mightily within me. I am a carrier of the fire of the Holy Ghost igniting the flame in others, everywhere I go. I declare and decree I live, breathe, move and serve powerfully under the shelter of the Jehovah Yahweh. (Psalms 91)
I declare I believe God’s Word is true and I am who God’s Word says I am, I can have what God’s Word says I have. I can do what God’s Word says I can do. I am rich in every way and generous on every occasion. There is no lack in Heaven, I remove every block and hinderance releasing all the resources with my name on it. I say laborers come forth to help me build the Kingdom of God therefore it is established in Jesus name. (Matthew 9:35-38) I am the child of a King, therefore I will not leave home without wearing my invisible crown.
I am healed and whole in every area of my life. God has called me to be a healer and deliverer to set His people free from every form of earthly bondage. He has chosen me to pull leaders up, push them out and position them for their purpose and calling as Jesus did. I have entered the ‘Rest of God’ and I am staying in that peaceful place and I declare I will not allow the enemy to rock my world.(Hebrews 4:1-16) Peace belongs to me because I am a blood bought daughter of a King, therefore I trust you Abba Father. I value and sense Your presence today Father. The Holy Spirit lives within me, He goes before me, walks beside me and He is my rear guard. (Isaiah 58:8, Isaiah 52:12) You O’ Lord order my steps and my stops. (Psalms 37:23)
I declare and decree on the authority of the Word of God I am favored, I have favor with both God and man in all I do in Jesus name. I am blessed and highly favored of the Lord. (Proverbs 3:3-4)
I declare divine spiritual order in my home, body, life and family. I am renewing my mind daily, disciplining myself by washing it with the Word. I guard my heart for out of me flows a well spring of life not the issues of life because I am healed and whole in every area of my life because You O’ Lord are the CEO and President of my life. I declare divine protection and restoration over my family and I today. Divine appointments are happening every where I go.
I declare and decree that No weapon formed against my family and I can prosper or succeed and every tongue that (speaks against) rises up against us in judgement we condemn it, for this is the heritage of the children of the Most High God. (Isaiah 54:17) I declare and decree that me and my house shall be saved, every single member of my family, not one member of my family will perish in Jesus name. I release them now to the Father and I trust you Father God with them. (Acts 6:31) I walk by faith and not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7) I trust God with everything that goes on in my life and with each member of my family because God is at work turning all things around for my good and His glory because I love Him. (Romans 8:28)
I seal my declarations with the Blood of Jesus, the Word of God and the Holy Spirit which empowers me therefore it is established this day in the Holy Righteous name of Jesus. Amen.
Copy these daily declarations and use them then watch how Abba Father blesses you in 2020!

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Conference Call 
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605-468-8024 Code to enter call 854256#
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 Pastor Jennet Hall at 662-231-2351
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Judy Brooks Bio
Judy Brooks  
Founder and CEO of Empowering International,
Empowering Moment with God@,
Empowering Prayer Teleconference Calls,
Empowering Speakers Development Training Impact
Empowering Eagles Arise Leaders Conference and Impacts
Empowering Women’s Retreats
Empowering Marriage Seminars
Writer, Published Author, Int’l
Empowering Int’l
P.O. Box 701981, Dallas, TX. 75370

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  Empowering Int’l Ministries is a 501(C)-3 Non-Profit Ministry.  
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Empowering International
Ministries, Inc.
Judy Brooks
P.O. Box 701981
Dallas, TX 75370
Phone: (214)707-7200