Jehovah Elohim – Creator


March 17, 2022
Jehovah Elohim – Creator
My child, each of the many names of God describes a different characteristic of His many-faceted character. For example, Jehovah Jireh is our provider, Jehovah Rapha is our healer, Jehovah Shalom is our peace, and so on. Jehovah Elohim is God the “Creator, Mighty and Strong.” And He made a covenant promising to bless all the world throughout all generations through Abraham. (Genesis 12-20) He is our God, and we are His people. (Genesis 17:7, Jeremiah 31:33) He is the exalted creator and sustainer of the universe and all that is in it. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said,’ Let there be light and there was light!’ (Genesis 1:2-3) 
From the beginning, He spoke, and it came to be, commanded, and it stood in place. (Psalms 33:9) Just as He had spoken to create everything else, God spoke man into existence with His words, by saying, “Let us make man in our image.” (Genesis 1:26) The ‘breath of life was contained in the words spoken into Adam. Jesus said, “It is the Spirit who gives life. The flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit and are life. (John 6:61-63) 
He is Lord of the host of heaven and of the inhabitants of the earth, of Jews and Gentiles, of rich and poor, master and slave. The name Elohim is expressive of the majesty, power, and authority of God and shows that He can accomplish what He determines to do. Elohim (e-lo-HEEM) “In the beginning (Elohim) created the heavens and the earth.” In fact, the word appears some 2,750 times in the Old Testament. It’s one of the most frequently used names of God in the Old Testament. Elohim means ‘supreme one’ or ‘mighty one.’ The creator of the universe and He resides in you and me. Go create by calling those things that be not in your life as though they were. (Romans 4:17) He is the one true God! Yahweh Elohim – who creates new things out of nothing!

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Supernatural Interventions
Ignite the Power of God in Your Daily Life
by Judy Brooks
Yes, He is! Supernatural Interventions is an up close and personal accounting of the answer to that question. 
From cover to cover, this book gives amazing accounts of the supernatural experiences wrapped around and residing in an ordinary life.