It’s Harvest Time!


September 22, 2021
It’s Harvest Time
“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night Shall not cease.” (Genesis 8:22 NKJV)
My beloved child, people throughout history have been celebrating the Feast of Harvest or Tabernacles beginning today, September 22-29, 2021.There is a mystery in the Harvest’s. In case you do not know, farmers around the world are busy at work bringing in their crops from the seeds they have sown, expecting a bountiful harvest. It’s harvest time! Today is the 9th month on the Gregorian Calendar, 9 means ‘Harvest’, and it is also the Feast of Harvest or Tabernacles.
Scripture instructs us, for seven days you must celebrate this festival to honor the Lord your God at the place he chooses, for it is He who blesses you with bountiful harvests and gives you success in all your work. This festival will be a time of great joy for all. A farmer really understands the joy of bringing in their harvest the Lord has blessed them with. (Luke 8:5-15) A farmer also knows you must sow a seed before there will ever be a harvest. When you sow a seed whether it’s a kernel of corn or money, when it is sown in good fertile soil it will return to you a harvest, some 30, 60 or a 100-fold. (Mark 4:20) A farmer expects to receive a harvest when he plants seed in the ground. You expect God to bless your tithe and offerings and return it with blessings pressed down and running over. (Luke 6:38) God honors His Word and blesses you in abundance when you obey His commands tithing and sowing offerings. (Malachi 3:8-10)
But what if you lived in a time in history where you celebrated a harvest that never took place?  There were people who celebrated throughout centuries with no reaping – that’s what Jewish people did. I commanded all people to celebrate for seven days this festival to honor Me, the Lord your God. I am the One who blesses you with bountiful harvest and I am the One who gives you success in all your work. This festival will be a time of great joy for everyone. In 70 AD Israel was destroyed and the Jews were scattered throughout the earth. There was no grain or fruit to gather and even though there wasn’t, the Jews still honored Me, and celebrated a harvest that didn’t exist. After 2000 years of celebrating then suddenly the harvest began to appear. (Jeremiah 31:3-6)
Whatever you do learn this Secret of the Kingdom: in the world people celebrate when they see their harvest or blessing through a raise, promotion, new job, new home, or graduation, but in the Kingdom My children do the opposite. They celebrate before they receive their blessing!  Don’t wait until you receive your blessing to celebrate! Rejoice and celebrate and you will see it!  Don’t wait for the gift to come in before you give thanks – give thanks Now and you it will come.  Start today celebrating your Mystery Harvest!

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