May 30, 2022
Worry, Fear, Anxiety, Panic = Depression
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7 NLT)
My beloved child so many people are struggling with depression. What does depression mean in Greek? Sorrow, melancholy, despair, and pessimism. There are so many types of depression, but I believe the number one reason the enemy attacks most people, in general, is loss. The cause can range from marital issues, issues with a child, your own health, the loss of your job or business, the loss of your home, or a natural disaster where you lose everything you own, there are so many reasons that open the door and fear, and depression comes in. Can be the loss of a loved one or a sudden unexpected death that causes trauma. Worry, fear, anxiety, and panic are the open door the devil uses to come in. That door must be slammed shut. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. (1 Timothy 1:7) If God does not give these emotions to us, then who does? The devil! Kick him out of your body and house! You have been given authority to take dominion over the devil and put him under your feet. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and overall, the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Matthew 28:18, Mark 16:17-18, Luke 10:19 NKJV) When you are in fear the root problem is Trust! You don’t trust God with your life or your children. (Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT) Stop trusting people and trust God. The Bible says we are to trust God and love people.
I have worked with people for years, and I am telling you one of the best ways to defeat depression is to start singing. Sing praise unto God! Praise and worship Him for one week, then tell me you are not better. (Psalms 149:3-5, Psalms 100:1-5, Psalms 34:1-8) Get your praise on! Turn on your favorite praise and worship music softly when your family is at home and when they head off to work or school crank it up loud and sing praises unto God. I was in a dark depressed state many years ago challenged by loss and had to fly to Nashville, Tennessee to handle some business. Prior to getting in my car my granddaughter Lauren was seven at the time and very discerning ran out and gave me her favorite praise and worship CD. She said, ‘Nana play this and sing to God.’ Upon my arrival, I rented a car and set in the car in the parking lot listening to the songs. There was one I really liked so I skipped over to number four and played it. The first time I could barely sing, I rewound it, and was a little better, I rewound it again and again. Seven times I rewound it singing to the top of my lungs and strength came back into my body to help me to what I had to. Joy comes back after losing your hope when you sing. (Psalms 100:1)
Secondly not only will your healing come in. your body but when you listen to healing scriptures set to music playing softly you will find sickness, dis-ease, and depression will leave your body because the devil can’t stay in the presence of God and His Word. Remember every good and perfect gift comes from above. (James 1:17) So if every good and perfect gift comes from God, if it’s not good and it’s not perfect it’s not from God. We must recognize it and discipline ourselves taking authority and dominion over the enemy and commanding him to leave our bodies or our house in Jesus’ name. Jesus paid the price for your healing and mine when he took the 39 stripes upon His back. He took a stripe for every area of your life to be whole, but you must believe that and receive it. (Isaiah 53:5) The same resurrection power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead lives in you. (Romans 8:11) By His stripes, you and I are healed. (1 Peter 2:24) When I lost my hearing and sight, I listened to healing scriptures 24×7 playing softly in my room with my right ear and quoting them when I was awake. It never crossed my mind that I would be blind and deaf for the rest of my life. Why? I was so full of the Word of God that it drove all doubt out of me and the Word will do the same for you! Try it!