Real Women · Real Issues · Real Life
Before you were formed in your mother’s womb God knew you and planned every day of your life, including today. (Jeremiah 1:5) He placed within your heart treasure and talents – that’s called PURPOSE. (Romans 11:29) We have opportunities to be hurt or wounded daily by family, friends, spouse, children, co-workers, boss, etc. When we are hurt most often unconsciously, we make a decision to just get over it, pretend everything is okay and shovel dirt over the treasure in our heart to protect it and we hide it. We do such a wonderful job hiding it from the world that we hide it from ourselves. Many women young and old have no clue what their Purpose is and wander through life wondering why am I here? Why do I exist? What is my Purpose?
God created the heavens and the earth and all that is in it. For when he spoke, the world began! It appeared at his command. (Psalms 33:9) Everything we see around us in the visible world began in someone’s invisible soul. What caused you to bury your treasure? It’s time to dig up your heart’s desire! It was first a talent than a dream. In order to walk in your purpose and live an extraordinary life you must first dig up the treasures you have hidden in the invisible (your soul) in order to bring your dreams and talents into the visible world. Isn’t it time you dig up your buried treasure, face your fears, take a risk and discover you are a wonderful creation and God has a magnificent plan for you? (Psalms 139:18)

God does not confer with your past to determine your future!
Empowering International Women’s Retreats have traveled extensively (and are available for bookings) teaching these life-changing retreats:
- Heart to Heart Women’s Retreat
- Light My Fire Women’s Retreat
- Discover Your Purpose and Identity Retreat
- Teen Girls Retreat
Women from all walks of life come together for 44 hours (Thursday evening at 5:00 p.m. through Saturday at 1:00 p.m.) and experience their lives transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit. We create a safe place for each woman to be transparent and feel loved and accepted without judgment.
Every woman is empowered by the Powerful Teachings and Learn How to Hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit, Group Interaction, Fun Night, Great Food and most importantly Quiet time with our Heavenly Father.
God has a specific purpose and plan for you! Are you discover your purpose and live your passion?

Upcoming Women’s Retreats
More information to follow.