Do it Anyway!


July 10, 2023

Do It Anyway!

My child My ways are not your ways, and My thoughts are not your thoughts, and I rarely answer your prayers the way you expect Me to. (Isaiah 55:8-9) My plans will always confound your understanding. If you want favor with man and Me and a reputation for good judgment and common sense, then trust Me completely, never trust yourself. In everything you do, put Me first, then I will direct you and crown all your efforts with success. (Proverbs 3:3-4) Peter is a case in point: he was a professional fisherman, and he had fished all night in the Sea of Galilee and caught nothing. Jesus told him to launch out into the deep, let down his nets, and catch some fish.

Can you imagine how Peter felt he was the professional fisherman and what Jesus told him to do made no sense humanly speaking? Peter was tired – he had just cleaned his nets though he was reluctant he still obeyed! Wow! Peter had a net-breaking, boat-sinking blessing!  He caught so many fish the boat was sinking! Peter fell to his knees before Jesus and said, ‘Oh Lord, please leave me – I’m such a sinful man! Peter was awestruck by the number of fish he caught, and his partners were amazed: James and John the sons of Zebedee. (Luke 5:4-11) Jesus said to Peter, ‘Don’t be afraid!’ From now on you will be fishing for people! Peter’s obedience changed his life forever! (Mark 4:16-20) When you obey Me, it will change your life too! Obey My instructions even if it sounds ridiculous. When you do things My way – miracles will happen! Can you recall a time the Holy Spirit gave you an instruction, humanly speaking sounded ridiculous? Do it anyway!

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