About Judy
Speaker, Trainer, Author & Coach
Judy Brooks is a highly sought-after Empowerment Speaker and Trainer, Author, and Coach. She is internationally recognized as a leader in transformational retreats which have impacted thousands and paved the way for the development and advancement of the speakers of the future who have graduated from her program.
Judy has spent her life helping others grow in their walk and in their call to Jesus Christ and has lived her own life to serve, obey, and please the Lord. The Word of God is her reference, the supernatural is her expectation, the love of God is her plumb line, and service to God and others her assignment in life.

Unstoppable Woman
In 2001 she was named as one of Dallas, Texas TEN UNSTOPPABLE WOMEN.
- Founder and CEO of Empowering International Ministries
- Unstoppable Moments with God Empowerments© (Devotions)
- Empowering Prayer Teleconference Calls
- Empowering Men and Women’s Retreats
- Empowering Int’l Ministerial Association
- Empowering Marriage Seminars
- Unstoppable Sisterhood Network™
Judy’s Story
Judy Brooks’s story began when through her faith in God; she overcame many obstacles and arose from pain and poverty. Through prayer, faith and confidence in the Word of God, Judy moved from government housing to being recognized as Arkansas Business Woman of the Year and she has successful owned three businesses.
In 2001, while completing her Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies and successfully working in Real Estate, Judy was named to the ‘Top Ten Unstoppable Women’ of Dallas, Texas her story can be read, along with nine other women who have triumphed in the face of great challenge written in the book: Unstoppable Woman. She graduated from CLASServices and Upper Class for Christian Leaders, Authors, and Speakers Services in 2003, Judy earned her Master’s Degree in Christian Leadership and Organizational Management in 2008 and currently she is working toward her doctorate.
In 2009, Judy was ordained with Wisdom Ministerial Association in Tulsa, Oklahoma where Drs Nasir and Anita Siddiki are her mentors and her Spiritual Father and Spiritual Mother. She has been a born-again believer for almost 35 years and in full time ministry since the beginning of 2004.at you are facing today, NO-THING is too difficult for God. Jeremiah 32:17 says, ‘I am the God of All flesh, is there anything too difficult or too hard for Me?’ We declare NO! Nothing is too difficult for God.
Judy is the Founder and CEO of Empowering International and outreach ministry with a vision of impacting the world for Jesus Christ through transforming lives, healing the hurting, winning souls and spreading the Love of God everywhere to every person, race and gender across the globe. Signs, wonders and miracles follow Judy wherever she goes. She is a Spiritual Mother to many Spiritual Sons and Daughters across the globe.
Since 2004, Judy annually hosts the annual Unstoppable International Women’s Conference where women come together in Nashville, TN to be empowered and have a life changing experience. Many women are healed and delivered from the pain of the past.
Judy’s passion to help hurting women get past the past and discover their purpose has created her soon to be released book and a two-day Conference: ‘Extreme Inner Makeover©’ that she is taking on the road this year, she believes this powerful life-changing message of healing needs to be taught around the world. She can be booked to come to your city for as few as 25-100 women.
In March 2006, Judy launched Unstoppable Empowerment© a daily empowerment to inspire and encourage leaders, families and friends to be all God created them to be. She began with 40 contacts and today through ‘word of mouth’ the Unstoppable Empowerment goes out to people across the United States and in other countries. Testimonies of life change from the Empowerments come in consistently.
In 2004, she founded and is the CEO and Life Coach-Mentor of Life Coaching by Divine Design© a Bible-Based Leadership Program for Women. From high profile leaders, business women, women in Ministry to stay at home mom’s this program was created to equip and strengthen the gifting in all areas for a balanced lifestyle. Personal contact, and on-going support is the reason behind receiving an overwhelming response to this program.
In October 2010, Judy launched the Unstoppable Women’s Retreats. These encounters are real opportunities for real women • with real issues • in real life to be a part of an intimate life changing experience. A safe place for women to come and be real, yet experience healing with the focus being on ‘Heart Matters’.
Judy states: ‘I am passionate about empowering women to get past the past, discover their purpose and live their destiny through a fulfilling and rewarding life. She believes everyone should have a mentor, someone who believes in them and help birth the purpose for which God created them’. (Jeremiah 1:5 Amplified) Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Jesus mentored the twelve disciples, Paul mentored Timothy, Elijah mentored Elisha, Naomi mentored Ruth, Mordecai mentored Esther and we could go on and on.
She launched the Empowering Prayer Tele-Conference Call February 2010, where people call in from all over the United States once a week to pray – anyone is welcome to participate in the call. The Purpose of this time of Prayer is to pray for all our leaders from the White House to your house, Repentance for our country, Pray for Israel’s protection and bless them and for the many prayer requests that are coming in through email daily. Judy states we are seeing many miracles and prayers answered!

Passion for the Holy Spirit
She travels nationally ministering the Word of God igniting the fire of the Holy Spirit and desires to see revival set ablaze throughout the nations. She witnesses miracles everywhere she goes. One very impacting miracle Judy witnessed through the power of prayer – her Mother was supernaturally healed of paralysis from her chin to her toes. God healed her mother and she returned to a normal lifestyle in 2002. Doctor’s diagnosis was she would be a vegetable the rest of her life – but God had the final say! This inspired Judy to write her soon to be released books:
Judy’s passion is to see the presence and power of the Holy Spirit transform and change peoples’ lives. Holding a degree in Biblical Studies she places great emphasis on being real as she teaches God’s Word, bringing order to others lives. Judy is a mere vessel with an anointing to usher in the presence of the Holy Spirit in every meeting. She has strong faith and sees many healed, delivered and accept Christ as their Savior everywhere she goes.
Prayer and time spent with the Holy Spirit daily is of utmost importance to Judy and she is passionate about having an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Teaching people how to enter the Throne Room of God, spend time in His presence, hear His voice and be led by the Spirit is of utmost importance in every Retreat, Marriage Seminar, Leadership Meeting or Revival. Her deepest desire everywhere she goes is to ignite the fire of the Holy Spirit and revival set ablaze throughout the nations.
These are only a few miracles and prayers answered – We serve a Big God! No matter what you are facing today, NO-THING is too difficult for God. Jeremiah 32:17 says, ‘I am the God of All flesh, is there anything too difficult or too hard for Me?’ We declare NO! Nothing is too difficult for God.
Judy has a heart of prayer and spending intimate time with the Father. After going through a long season in the fire she discovered: ‘The more I spend time with God, the less I have to ask for, BAM! He just does it – without me asking, because He already knows what I need (and what you need) before I ask. Although it is important to ask God for what you need according (James 4:2 Amplified) You do not have, because you do not ask.
Judy states:
‘Now is the time to humbly Repent and turn our hearts back to God and seek His face. (2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV) If my people, who are called by my name,
1. Will humble themselves and
2. Pray and
3. Seek my face and
4. Turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Just like (Matthew 3:1-3) John the Baptist cried out in the wilderness Repent for the coming of the Lord is at hand. I cry out today – REPENT! For the coming of the Lord is at hand and it’s nearer than you think! I believe that is the cry and the heart of God in this hour.
God is doing a new thing! (Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV) Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. God has allowed you and I to be born in this generation; it’s not an accident but by divine purpose. God has brought us here for such a time as this.