A Setback is a Setup for a Comeback


March 19, 2021
A Setback is a Setup for a Comeback
My precious child, In Amos, a shepherd tried to rescue a sheep from a lion’s mouth and only recovered two legs and a piece of an ear. (Amos 3:12) If you have gone through the valley of the shadow of death, I the Lord your God have good news for you! (Psalms 23:4) I am here to put back together all the broken pieces of your life. (Picture this: Satan as that lion, you like a lamb, I am the Shepherd, and I am coming to pick you up – what’s left of you. See how I bring victory out of defeat every time.  Has life torn your dreams apart?  Are you worn out from the fight?  Do you feel like you do not have what it takes to get up and fight the fight of faith again?  Think again! I am blowing a fresh wind of anointing over you and sparking fresh vision restoring your hope. (Isaiah 40:31) The breath of God, or the wind of the Holy Spirit, is about to blow freshly upon you. In Isaiah 40:31, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint.”
With Me on your side – it’s never too late for a fresh beginning! I am giving you a fresh vision, so get ready to write it down. (Habakkuk 2:2-3) A setback is actually a setup for your comeback!  Look at your situation, are in you the place to receive a New Beginning? With Me the Lord your God waiting to help you; you only need to have one thing for a New Beginning: 1. an ear to hear.  Stop listening to the voices that discourage you; those are lying spirits! (Galatians 6:7-9) It’s not over until I the Lord your God says it’s over! I created you for a purpose – get up and shake it off!  Pick yourself up by the bootstraps and get moving again. The Best is yet to come!

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Supernatural Interventions
Ignite the Power of God in Your Daily Life
by Judy Brooks
Yes, He is! Supernatural Interventions is an up close and personal accounting of the answer to that question. 
From cover to cover, this book gives amazing accounts of the supernatural experiences wrapped around and residing in an ordinary life.