August 8, 2023
Isaiah Raised the Bar
Look at those who are honest and good, for a wonderful future awaits those who love peace. (Psalms 37:37 NLT)
My child, how is your integrity, do you do what you say you will do? You can’t separate your word and your walk. (Job 27:3) Isaiah was one of the greatest prophets in Jewish history and a great role model of holiness for us to follow. He was married to a prophetess. (Isaiah 8:3) Consistent in his daily life Isaiah was driven by his firm conviction to speak out against the unfaithfulness of his people. Can it be said, you are consistent in your daily walk, and do you compromise with your convictions? As the head of your family or as a leader you must first be an example by walking the walk and talking the talk, with no compromise, and in alignment with the Word of God. (John 3:30) Look at people who are honest and good, for a wonderful future awaits those who love peace, that’s integrity. (Psalms 37:37)
Isaiah led with integrity and a clear vision. (Proverbs 29:18) People do what they see not what they hear! What does integrity mean? Integrity is honesty, truth, a strict moral or ethical code, sincerity, and a pure heart. Being a godly leader takes courage, discipline, and determination. Isaiah’s conviction teaches us to avoid ungodly compromise. He and his spiritual son Micah raise the bar for people by staying true to God’s standard, not the world’s. His message was not popular, but he stood true to warn the people of God’s judgment if they did not repent and it still holds today. (Isaiah 1) Repent! Repent! Repent for the coming of the Lord is at hand. (Matthew 3:2) Repentance was the cry of God’s heart then, and it is today! The prophet Isaiah was an intercessor who influenced King Hezekiah to bring about national reforms and destroyed Sennacherib’s entire army. (Isaiah 59:16) Through prayer and intercession today you will see God move on behalf of your nation no matter the threats faced. (Isaiah 37:36-38)
Vision is born out of high values and ethics; they must align. Leaders create an atmosphere for growth and success. Being a great leader comes with a price; there will be times you feel overwhelmed and judged but keep your eyes on God. He alone will bless your work. (Deuteronomy 8:18) God and His Word are your encouragers. If you desire to be a leader, you must be a servant. The greatest among everyone are those who serve. (Matthew 20:26) Isaiah led a consistent lifestyle, he did not compromise his convictions and had a clear vision. He describes a God-given vision that drove him to fulfill his calling as a leader despite being rejected. (Isaiah 6:9)