January 13, 2023
Fasting for Your Health
Fast for your health, it’s been medically proven, fasting improves:
a. Fasting increases Autophagy – Your body naturally removes cellular debris and will always eat bad cells first. Autophagy is the body’s way of cleaning out damaged cells, and regenerating newer, healthier cells, “Auto” means self, and “phagy” means eat. So, the literal meaning of autophagy is “self-eating.” It’s also referred to as “self-devouring.” While that may sound like something you never want to happen to your body, it’s beneficial to your overall health.
b. Fasting increases Stem Cells – Stem cell-based regeneration of new immune cells and heals old injuries.
c. Fasting will increase Ketones – Ketones produce and burn fat cells for energy, ketones heal the brain, and gut, and turns off bad genes.
d. Fasting increases energy diversion. Energy is diverted and assimilates food; this breaks down and regulates inflammation and oxidative stress.
e. Fasting optimizes your Hormones; your cells become sensitive to hormones and insulins. Insulin and glucose are controlled.
f. Fasting Resets Microbiome, fixes the gut barrier, and influences our genetic expression.
g. Fasting resets your DNA and turns off bad genes, powers up good genes.
h. Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol.
i. Preserves your memory.
9. What are the Benefits of Fasting?
1. Impacts anti-aging effects in a positive way
2. You will have a better attitude
3. Better resistance to disease
4. Better sleep
5. Change of Habits
6. Clearer thinking for planning
7. Clearer skin
8. Creativity increases
Consider drinking this detox drink for your health. I sip on this drink all day.