September 29, 2022
The Key to Receiving
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed. (Psalms 34:18 NLT)
My Child, since I am intimately familiar with your pain, (Hebrews 4:14-16) I understand that trauma changes you; just one touch from Me will heal and change you. If you allow Me, I can turn your pain into promise your mess into a message, and your pain into purpose! What now seems to be so painful and terrible through My magnificent power by the Holy Spirit can become a driving force to catapult you right into My purpose! I can turn your mistakes into purpose! Now is the appointed time for you to be healed and whole in every way, especially in your mind and emotions. It doesn’t matter what has happened to you, when it happened or where it happened – I have come to give you a Gift called Healing. Allow Me to wipe the slate of the past clean and give you a fresh start.
Being hurt was an event; healing is a process! The key to you receiving your healing is forgiveness! Forgiveness is a choice, the same as love is a choice! You may be a Christian on your way to heaven, but if you are holding onto un-forgiveness, is blocking your blessings and according to the Word if you do not forgive, you will not be forgiven! (Mark 11:24-25) Un-forgiveness blocks you financially! Un-forgiveness blocks your healing! Un-forgiveness blocks your peace and happiness! Un-forgiveness blocks you from My purpose! Un-forgiveness blocks Me from working in your family and in your marriage! (Ephesians 4:31-32)
Have you wondered what is hindering Me from hearing your prayers? Un-forgiveness hinders your prayers! My Word is true; if you do not forgive – you will not be forgiven! (Matthew 6:15) Stop right now! Right, where you are, and ask Me to forgive you of your sins of un-forgiveness, including the things you have done to yourself and others, and ask Me to heal you where you hurt! I will! Choose to forgive those who have deeply hurt and wounded you. You did not deserve to be hurt! Ask Me to give you the grace to forgive anyone who has sinned against you and allow My love to flood your mind, heart, and emotions and heal your broken heart and make you whole! (2 Corinthians 12:9) In addition, forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made. (1 John 1:9, Psalms 103:12) I the Lord your God am here in the room with you right now to heal you (James 4:8) and give you a brand-new beginning! (Genesis 50:20)
Pray with me:
Father God, I come boldly before your throne, and I repent for my sins and the sins of my ancestors. I ask you to forgive me for unforgiveness, hate, resentment, and anger toward myself and others. I choose to forgive those who have violated me, those who have abused me including myself. Cleanse me now Lord Jesus. Your Word says in (1 John 1:9) if I repent of my sins, You Sir are faithful to forgive me and cleanse me of all unrighteousness. Your Word also says in (Psalms 103:12) when I repent of my sins You bury them in the sea of forgetfulness as far as the east is from the west and you remember them no more. Father, help me not to remember them and break the record in my mind. Purify my heart and thoughts oh Lord! (Psalms 51:10) I ask this in Jesus’ all-powerful name! Amen.