March 31, 2022
My beloved child, be kind to everyone – that’s called honor! Honor in Greek means to respect, prize, value, and reverence others whether they deserve it or not. First and foremost, you must honor God – and love Him with all your heart, mind, and soul. This is the first commandment and the second is the same ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ (Exodus 20:16) Your parents should be a significant priority in your life for My Word says: ‘Honor your father and your mother. I want you to honor your father and your mother regardless of the way they treat you – even if they are unkind, you are still commanded to honor them! This commandment comes with two promises: ‘1. your life will be extended, and 2. it will go well with you.’ (Exodus 20:12) Honor means to be kind to everyone including your spouse. The reality is everyone you see has a deposit of God in them.
Wives I created you to reverence or honor your husband and husbands you were created to cherish and honor your bride as equal partners whether you have been married a month or sixty-five years. (Colossians 3:18) Husband’s this is so important that you cherish and honor your wife, so your prayers are not hindered. Submit yourselves one to another. (1 Peter 3:7) I created mankind to honor those who are in authority. (Ephesians 5:1-3) What does that mean? Children honor their parents, students honor their teachers, employees honor their employer, citizens honor political positions such as President, Governor, Mayor, etc.- you may not like him/her, but you are to honor the individual. (1 Peter 2:17)
Remember, I know all, do all: I change the seasons and guide history, I raise up kings and bring them down, I provide both intelligence and discernment, I open the depths, tell secrets, see in the dark-light spills out of Me! (Daniel 2:21) Honor your Pastor and his wife as your spiritual authority – when you honor someone that means you do not speak against them. Those in authority have paid a high price to be in their position and My Word says: touch not the anointed and do My prophets no harm. (Psalms 105:15) You draw to you what you honor! Honor always precedes promotion. Honor is a choice! Every time you give honor or kindness to others it refines your soul. (Malachi 2:2)